Online Couples Therapy and Long Distance Sessions

Build a stronger, more supportive relationship. Rekindle the spark that brought you together in the first place. No matter where you are located, with some exceptions.

Many couples start with a relationship workshop, and then deepen their learning in online couples therapy via telephone or Zoom.

The Center uses the Health Professional license for Zoom, which means it’s among the safest, confidentiality-protected (HIPAA-compliant) platforms that exist. Skype, Facebook, and Apple products lack this healthcare security feature.

For clients, all that is required is a laptop with a camera and microphone and a download of the free app for Zoom. Zoom safely provides virtual experiences of either psychotherapy services and even the monthly couples workshop.

When gathering face-to-face is safe enough, virtual service will still be offered as many people like the opportunity to access these services from the comfort of their home or even other cities.