Many couples come to Houston marriage counseling to discuss issues with intimacy. Over time, many have lost their connection with one another and that has resulted in a sexless marriage. In fact, 15 to 20 percent of couples are in a sexless marriage, according to Newsweek. There are a number of reasons why this happens, but the good news is that it’s something that is possible to prevent.  ­­Here are a few relationship tips for ­­keeping the love alive in your marriage.

5 Relationship Tips to Maintaining Intimacy in Your Marriage

Stay in touch. Literally. At times when you can’t be intimate, which may be because of medical issues or schedules, you can still keep the love alive by holding hands, sharing kisses, and cuddling. Staying in the habit of practicing physical affection will make it more likely for you to start having sex when you can again.

Schedule sex. When I suggest this in Houston marriage counseling, many couples say it doesn’t sound very romantic, but that doesn’t have to be the case, and it works well for some couples, especially those who have different levels of libido or busy schedules. Find a frequency that works for both of you. You may have to meet in the middle. Then you can find ways to make it romantic by planning a dinner date or surprising your spouse with rose petals on the bed. Just because you know the date and time doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to make it special.

Talk to your doctor. It can be embarrassing to talk about your lack of sexual desire, but you may find there’s a medical cause that can be easily cured. The longer you put it off, the worse it will be for your relationship.

Stay fit. One of the main reasons people stop being interested in sex is because of their own insecurities about their body. And being overweight can also cause you to have less energy for sex. You can prevent this by finding exercises that you enjoy. Even better, search for an activity you can enjoy together, such as playing tennis or hiking.

Communicate. Another common complaint I see in Houston marriage counseling is fighting, and couples who are angry with one another are more likely to avoid sex. Keep your sex life alive by learning better ways to work through your problems and being open, honest, and respectful.

If you are in a sexless marriage, I encourage you to get help in Houston marriage counseling.