I always work hard to try to keep marriages together in Houston relationship therapy, but sometimes it’s just not possible. Instead, I end up working with couples to help have a healthy, conscious divorce, increasing odds of healthy co-parenting going forward, or success in their next marriage.   I also work with divorced or otherwise split-up singles. Once they are alone, they don’t know what to do with themselves or how to get back out there in the dating world. Alternatively, one or both of them may have found someone new and believe they can find happiness with that person that they couldn’t find with their spouse.

One thing is the same in either of these situations: you. And if you didn’t work through your marriage problems in your previous relationship, you can bet they are going to rear their heads in your new one.  “Another freaking growth opportunity, I can run, but I cannot hide…”

Houston Relationship Therapy  Teaches You to Look At and Change Yourself

Marriage problems and relationship issues don’t just end when the relationship does – you carry your baggage with you to the next person. This is why it is so important to identify and work on those things that you need to get better at in relationships before starting a new one.

Whether you’ve already found someone you just know is going to be the next love of your life or you’re having trouble putting yourself back out in the dating pool, there’s a simple rule to know if you’re ready: do you need a partner, or want one?

If you feel like you just can’t cope without someone in your life, you’re not ready to date. Yes, this is true even if you’re already dating! Just because you can get someone doesn’t meant that you should be seeing them.

Needing someone means that you will end up putting all of your hopes, dreams, and aspirations on them, which no one can hope to live up to. Needless to say, if you do get married, this will lead to marriage problems and probably more Houston relationship therapy when they can’t be that ideal that you “need” them to be. You will revert to the person who had those problems that led to your first divorce.

The better route is to work on making yourself happy before re-entering the dating pool. Become that confident, self-sufficient person you always wanted to be, and if you feel like you’re missing something, look to other places besides romantic relationships to find it.

When you are ready to date because you want to, let the world know. Tell friends you respect, join singles groups, and try reputable dating sites. There is no wrong way to find the person that’s right for you.

If you’re having trouble working through your feelings after a divorce and understanding what went wrong, try Houston relationship therapy so that you can fix it for next time.