If you and your partner are new parents or even if you have a few years of parenting experience under your belts, Mother’s Day can be a joyous occasion. However, figuring out how to make the day special for your partner can be somewhat daunting, especially if you’re trying to coordinate celebrations around nap times and other parental responsibilities.

Here are a few ideas to make your upcoming Mother’s Day special, especially if this is the first one you’re celebrating with your partner as a parent.

Give a meaningful gift. If you have older children, you can help them to make a gift or come up with an idea of what to get their mother, but you can hardly expect a baby or toddler to buy flowers or make breakfast. Instead, a gift from you can be a great way to show appreciation for the role your partner plays in raising a child. You don’t need to spend a lot of money; think instead of something that would have sentimental value for your partner, like a framed photograph of the family or a locket with her child’s picture.

Let your child help with a card. If your child isn’t old enough to draw or write a Mother’s Day card on their own, you can assist him or her in creating one. You might write your own message on a card, but then let your baby put his or her handprint on it or draw in crayon if he or she is old enough to grip a writing utensil. For older children, let them pick out the card on their own. Often their choice will be a lot more meaningful and memorable than anything you select.

Ask your partner how she’d like to celebrate. While you might think you need to come up with some kind of grand gesture for Mother’s Day, your partner may be more interested in just sleeping in and relaxing at home with her family. Ask her what she’d like to do ahead of time so you can help give her the day she really wants.

Make a romantic dinner. It can be tough for parents to find time to just be a couple. This Mother’s Day, consider making a nice dinner for your partner after your child has gone to bed and setting aside some time just for the two of you. And remember, this time for the two of you doesn’t just have to be confined to Mother’s Day—planning a weekly date night can help you stay connected and happy as a couple.

Navigating your relationship with your partner when you’re a parent can be challenging, and if you need relationship advice and counseling that extends beyond Mother’s Day, don’t hesitate to schedule sessions with me at my Houston marriage counseling center.