As a Houston marriage counselor, I can tell you that no event will change your life more than the arrival of a new baby. Having a child can be a wonderful experience that brings you together, but I’ve also seen many couples struggle to make the transition because they didn’t think it through beforehand. Some people assume that having a child will be the “glue” that puts a broken relationship back together, but the truth is it will be a new source of stress and relationship problems. You’ll have less free time, more financial burdens, and a whole load of additional responsibilities, from waking up in the middle of the night to care for a crying child to taking your baby to doctor appointments in the middle of the work day. You need your relationship to be as strong as possible to weather these changes together.

In my work as a Houston marriage counselor, I work with expecting couples on communication. Working through issues now will help you better handle the strain caring for a baby will put on your relationship. Armed with a better understanding of one another and respect for your differences, you will be able to more easily negotiate any relationship problems that come your way.

As a Houston marriage counselor, I also encourage couples to enjoy the time you have together now. Bond as a couple by taking that trip you always meant to go on, enjoying a long lunch, or visiting the movie theater. All these things will become more complicated once you have a new baby in your life, so appreciate the freedom you enjoy now and strengthen the connection you have.

Houston Marriage Counselor: Sit Down and Talk About It

Discuss major decisions now. Will you both go back to work? Who will provide child care? Who is available to baby-sit when you need a night off? Are there any friends or family members able to provide support for the new mom in those first crucial months while she recovers from the pregnancy? How will the division of chores change once the baby is here? How will you budget for new expenses?

The game plan may change slightly after the big event, but knowing the answers to these questions now can help to make things go smoother and prevent relationship problems. If you need help discussing these issues or aren’t sure you have your bases covered, I recommend you take some time to talk with an experienced Houston marriage counselor.