Many of the clients I work with in Houston marriage counseling have busy, busy lives. They’re juggling long work hours as well as childcare and household responsibilities, and as a result they often neglect to spend enough time tending to the health of their marriage! The idea of trying to find time to have a weekend getaway or trying to arrange for a sitter to have a date night can sometimes seem impossible.

But what about carving out just 15 minutes a day for your significant other? That seems possible, right?

Houston Marriage Counseling: Recent Study Says 15 Minutes May Be Enough

A recent study from Suzanne Bartle-Haring, Ph.D., at Ohio State University, looked at thousands of couples and found that 15 minutes a day was all it took to maintain and improve your relationship. How you spend that time is up to you! You can take a quick coffee break together during the work day or spend time talking in bed before you fall asleep at night.

The key is to remain consistent. Make a daily commitment to meeting (or exceeding!) those fifteen minutes of time connecting as a couple. Turn off your cell phones and laptops. Forget the chores. Simply engage with one another. Find out about your spouse’s day or just have a good time!

Remember, the investment you put into your relationship now will prevent bigger relationship problems in the long run. If you are struggling to connect, you may want to consider seeking help in Houston marriage counseling.