In Houston marriage counseling, I emphasize the importance of expressing gratitude in a marriage. Often, we get so focused and bogged down by relationship problems that we forget to appreciate the good things.

In a recent study looking at what contributes to a satisfying long-term relationship, appreciation was listed as one of the most important factors. Partners who expressed gratitude in their relationship regularly for just 3 weeks viewed their relationship as having greater communal strength.

When working with clients in Houston marriage counseling, I encourage them to find more ways to express their appreciation to one another. The first step is just to think about the many ways you appreciate your partner. Then find ways to express that gratitude.

A simple “thank you” goes a long way, but you can also show appreciation by sending off an email or doing something special for your partner. It can be as simple as taking on a household chore that is normally the other person’s responsibility, giving them a little break. Or you can do something nice like surprising them by cooking a meal.

With Thanksgiving around the corner, now is a great time to focus on this emotion. Why not make it a challenge? Find at least one way every day to go the extra mile to show how grateful you are to have your spouse in your life.

Learn How to Express Your Gratitude in Houston Marriage Counseling

Are you having trouble communicating to your partner about your gratitude? For some, it comes naturally, but it can be more difficult for people who have a hard time expressing their emotions. It doesn’t have to be that way. You can learn to improve your communication skills and work on relationship problems in Houston marriage counseling.